

この思いで2017年8月に茨城県から国産デニム発祥の地、岡山県倉敷市 児島 に移住し、個人デニムブランドを立ち上げました。現在は倉敷市下津井にて店舗兼工房で企画・デザイン・パターン・裁断・縫製・販売を個人で行っております。

"Make new designs of jean jackets"
Why are there so many jean jackets with similar designs? They all look like reproductions of the Levi’s Type II and III. Why don’t jean jackets look to fit the body better? Why aren’t there jean jackets with more creative designs? Why is there no brand specializing in jean jackets? Denim brands keep making jeans. Well, let’s make a brand then.
I’ve worn jean jackets since I was in high school. As I continued to wear them, my ideas like “I would want to buy jean jacket design like this…” continued to pile up. The jean jackets I make come from these ideas. I design, choose materials, make patterns, cut cloth, sew, and put on the completed jacket then fix the parts I don’t like then… repeat.
Compared to jeans, the market size for jean jackets is much smaller. In casual clothing stores, you usually only find jean jackets being sold in a very small section in the corner. The sales of jean jackets are affected by season and trends and the number sold is much smaller than jeans so it is understandable why companies were not being very creative in coming up with new designs. If you want a new design, an individual or a small company with strong passion for jean jackets should step up. That’s the better way.
Although there are countless numbers of fashion designers, how many actually wear jean jackets so much so that they wear it to their high school graduation ceremonies? I wanted to make ideal jean jackets so I moved from Ibaraki Prefecture all the way to Kojima, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. It’s not that I like fashion. I like jean jackets. If you are looking for unique jean jackets, be sure to check out jean jackets at Danjo Denim.